Commercial Process

We know our clients so well that we do not offer a ‘one service fits all’ approach!

Clear Drains knows that some of our clients may look after a variety of different sites. It is critical for you to know that we fully understand each site/building operation so that we can ensure all our services are delivered smoothly, with as little disruption as possible.

We will offer you a programme of works to cover all sites and services, providing you with a timely reminder of when services are due for renewal.

Check out our 4 step program for a smooth process from start to finish:

Step 1 – Call us to discuss your services and/or request a free of charge estimator visit
Step 2 – Receive a fixed cost quotation tailored to your specific needs
Step 3 – Confirm your wish to proceed via one single purchase order to cover all sites and services, when you are satisfied that the services and costs are right for you
Step 4 – Let us plan and undertake work to the agreed specification and timescale through to completion. You only need to agree dates once and we will complete your programme of work throughout the year.

Protecting our reputation and yours

Full support throughout the process from your dedicated Account Manager and Estimator. The Clear Drains Operations Manager undertakes site checks on an adhoc basis.

The purpose is to ensure:

Quality of work

The highest standard of Health and Safety

Excellent on-site customer service

Your on-going satisfaction with our work

Clear Drains work with you as a Business Partner to meet the needs of your sites